Jan 10th
The first flowers were showing around the garden but primroses and the various bulbs are still some way off. The impending snow will do little to encourage them on!

Celandine poking throughÂ

Black hellebores in flower

Mahonia flowers still in bud
Jan 3rd

All three beds in the middle garden
Last year’s project, the Pollinators’ Bed, is well and truly established now, so this year’s blog will be a more general garden activity diary although there is an annual project too.

The New Bed
This year’s project is a large bed opposite the Pollinator and Black beds. The plan is to make a child-friendly zone with the colour, smell and structure of plants key attributes. There will also be different pathways, changes of levels and a water feature. Being attractive to pollinators will also be important.

The Pollinators’ Bed

The Black Garden
The rather more seasonal weather this Christmas means that no flowers are out in either of the established beds. In the Pollinators’ Bed, last year’s Cerinthes do not seem to have survived or self-seeded and the Primroses are not yet ready however most of the plants seem well set and I have lost very little over the year; I am looking forward to the new mahonias flowering this spring. The Black garden is unsurprisingly sparce but again most plants look in good order. Team Dahlia and friends are well secured in the middle greenhouse as last winter although I will be looking to move most into larger pots for the coming year.
Jan 10th